Israelis have, since before the days of G B Bush’s “Mission Accomplished,” brayed that Iran presents it with an “existential threat”: “The greatest threat against us is the existential threat which is presented by Iran’s attempt to arm itself with nuclear weapons,” Netanyahu said.
We are bombarded with propaganda, daily, that because Israel is Iran’s enemy, the USA must be Iran’s enemy too.
In fact, the USA must be the enemy of every nation that Israel doesn’t get along with. Israel doesn't get along with many other nations, because it has broken international laws since the UN recognized it in 1948—which was five years before 1953, when the USA destroyed Iran’s secular democracy and installed a dictator so Exxon, Mobil, Texaco etc. could steal its oil, as the NYTs reported in 1974: “A Senate subcommittee was told by an oil executive today that five major United States oil companies began joint production in Iran in 1954 as part of an international consortium solely because Washington thought such a step was necessary to prevent Iran from falling under Soviet influence.”
If Iran is the enemy of the USA, it’s because the USA violated international law and committed crimes against humanity against it. Never has the USA accounted for these crimes, much less offered an apology or reparations.
So Israel’s fears concerning Iran are based on, and rooted in, our own violation of international laws—the “unbreakable bond” between Israel and the USA is welded by their mutual need to perpetuate the “big lie” that “the goal of U.S. foreign policy has been the promotion of respect for human rights, as embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights”. No. The goal of U.S. foreign policy is control of the resources of other nations; the stuff about human rights is—ask Iranians—just a lethally-deceptive marketing promotion. It's lethal in many ways; but for us it's lethal because we are living a lie, thinking we aren't; since we don't know what we are doing, we are unable to act honestly and instead dig deeper into imperial fantasy, religious fundamentalism, race war and magical thinking.
The welding of the national destinies of USA and Israel as they subvert international law and the principle of universal human rights has led most of the rest of the world to disrespect and despise both—as votes in the UN reveal. (Perhaps you've noticed when you want to travel abroad that most of the world does not want us to visit it.)
And since the principle of universal human rights is the very premise articulated in the Declaration of Independence, the unceasing subversion of it by our government is not just an existential threat to us: it is an actual ongoing attack. Our welding with Israel is one big reason why we have become fascist; our political elite does not believe in universal rights (except as a big-lie marketing promotion).
For all its braying about how it is antisemitic that it is held to double standards, Israel demands it be held to the double standard that it, alone amongst nations, can violate international laws with impunity.
It is not alone! The USA violates international law constantly too.
Israel demands a double standard, also, when it deems itself “the only democracy in the middle east” while it has no ratified constitution, which means it is legally not a democracy, and in plain daylight practices racist apartheid and genocide.
It is not alone! Just look at democracy in the USA, where the GOP is running a dictator for election and the Democrats refuse to hold real president primaries because they actively prevented any challenge to Genocide Joe.
Because Israel makes enemies everywhere, and demands it be allowed to violate international laws with impunity, and because US foreign policy is directed by Israel, I am—we all are—threatened existentially by it.
Israel is experiencing a curse that is forecast by the story of the Golem, a monster created to protect its maker that turns on its maker. It scuttled the nuclear arms treaty that President Obama brokered with Iran, which makes Iran accelerate its nuclear arms development. It commits genocide against Palestinians to protect itself from genocide—losing every ally that supports the doctrine of universal human rights—the doctrine that, after the holocaust, made most nations believe the establishment of Israel was a good thing. Because it was founded upon the doctrine of universal human rights but all along has been a racist genocidal theocracy, Israel is its own existential threat. It claims a right to land because thousands of years ago its ancestors lived there—and exercises that claim by repeating the Hebrew genocide of the Canaanites. By its own autopoesis, Israel is bronze age, not modern, culture and that is why it is barbaric.
It is also tiny and cannot fend of all the enemies it has made. The USA is supposed to fight of all Israel's enemies, and that's what it does—and is loathed for it.
While it is re-enacting the Moses narrative of the genocide of the Canaanites, Israel is also re-enacting the history of Masada, wherein a tiny remnant of its bronze age self died on the top of a mesa rather than compromise and make peace with Rome. Racial purity—i.e. the genealogies listed in the Torah—was too important for any compromise, any intermarriage, any dissolving of pure Israeli identity. Back then genocide was normal, but today it is against the law. Nevertheless, the Masadans preferred to be victims of genocide than to transform their fixed identities—the same ones today's Israelis claim as their own.
Israel’s romantic imagining of returning to the bronze age, and its attempt to realize it, is not only leading it to Masada again—it’s leading the USA to it, too.
Israel has attacked Iran recently and, yesterday, announced it intends to fight a war with it:
Israel is an existential threat to every US citizen now.
Ten years ago, Israel vowed to break its unbreakable bond with the USA, and to engage in a total war with Iran—and that is exactly what it is doing today, dragging us into its Masada/apocalypse: